interesting thing about hallucinogens: people who have something akin to a "religious experience" (induced by 'shrooms) often report their prior beliefs being reinforced by the content of their trip.
I'm an exception, was an atheist who switched to polytheism after a shroom-induced religious experience. I agree that your point is generally true though.
interestingly, as someone raised in an atheist household, i’ve had experiences on psychedelics where in the moment i was like “what an unusual thing!” but reflecting afterwards it’ll occur to me that if i’d been raised to believe in angels, i would’ve likely interpreted it as that
you could fill in ‘spirits’ or ‘ancestors’ just as well…the funny thing was piecing together all these elements that were deeply memorable but completely overwhelming & abstract into “oh yeah if i had to describe this i guess a flaming wheel covered in eyes kinda captures it”
You don't see God until you take them with the intention to just pet your cats and clean. He only reveals himself to those who aren't expecting it. Classic trickster he is.
I've enjoyed it the few times I've done it. I saw someone on Twitter describe it as Ren and Stimpy vision, which if you're familiar with the cartoon is right on. But there's a sort of euphoria with it. It makes me giggly and find things more amusing than I ordinarily would.
While you're hallucinating stuff appears to be breathing / crawling / undulating. For me, it looked like my leg hairs were waving around like sea anemones.
Unfortunately it’s not super simple - I can be very negatively affected by drugs so I need to be with a close group of people I trust when I try something for the first time. Definitely not investing in a whole container of the stuff off the bat.