On the same day this asshat was whoring out Tesla’s at the White House, he also cut personnel at the Department of Education by half. Did anybody vote for a used car salesman, anybody? This is going to be a long 4 years, hey but at least he has his hat on the right way.
Time to use the girdle.
donald trump is trying to sell you a NEW car
please do not confuse this with those of us who make an honest living importing antique cars from yurp and auctioning them off on “bring a trailer”
which is—technically—selling used cars
What do you find under a 10 gallon hat and a horses tail?
As if trump would ever wear a suit that actually fits him.
I just had my first dress shirt custom made and it's lovely (only cost $120!). My 19.5" neck (I'm 5'7") means I can't buy off the rack and fit.