Can’t say I blame her.
Some of us have always known the gig with Joe, Mika & Trump.
The trio is not only a laughing stock but will tac their sail into any wind that blows up their self annointed importence.
Vacous trash.
Turns out they are nothing more than a pathetic pair of opining opportunists who did not have the mettle to fight for their convictions.
but waiting for firsthand knowledge
To me, embodies the phrase “courage of your convictions,” whereas Mika and Joe have always come across as opportunist hacks to me.
Now if there was only leadership to whip the asset into a news outlet.
Where are all the damned leaders? The real kind with vision and ingenuity?
She's hosted Timothy Snyder, author of "On Tyranny" & "On Freedom". The first rule?
Do Not Obey In Advance.
EXACTLY what Joe & Mika DID.
MSNBC, guess how to free salary
Until then I really don’t give a shit what Maddow pretends to say.
How ever will she survive ? 🙄
Give me 25 million
I think I read that their ratings took a huge dip after the election before all this
I know I stopped watching completely.
And Scarborough is Rethuglican so why it is surprising is beyond me
And Ari Melbur? Really ? 🙄He’s just mad because he didn’t the nod to go
Now, they live in Trump's backyard and have a lifestyle and appetite that require $$, so they windsock back over.
Fuck both of them and anyone who bought into Mika's lame "Know Your Value" grift
Now that I think about it, she should absolutely leave. Most of the viewership would follow her and we could start shaking up the MSM!
Never trust Joe.