I will Never believe it wasn’t rigged. Too many experts were saying they found things that just didn’t add up and were begging Kamala Harris to ask for a recount, but she couldn’t concede fast enough. They aren’t planning on leaving either. They recruited thousands of Trump
loyalists. 😡
I'm not exactly split, but I see parallels to russia, where no one has any capacity for internal reflection and, at best, plays the victim. But if foreigners always blame "the United States," Republicans get off the hook, and foreigners always do this.
I’m not sure it’s America people blame but rather the leadership. We spent a fair bit of time in the states growing up and the people were always lovely.
One third voted for him and another third sat on their backsides and let it happen, so yes you are responsible. If you are part of the one third who did all they could and voted for Kamala then it’s terrible for you.
1/3 of the American population support what is going on right now. In my opinion. If one of three was nazies in 1930 Germany. I'd say Germany was a nazi country.
loyalists. 😡