Trump wants to kill as many people as possible. The ones that sign up to die are confusing AF. How are people so fucking stupid? It would be easier if they just all ate their guns.
I thought they wanted us to have more babies so they could have slaves...but it looks more like they want to kill us??? I'm so confused by this administration.
the chaos and the cruelty are the point. they want men to be able to do whatever they want and women and girls to serve as holes for their micro penises and if they get pregnant, be forced to carry the pregnancy and give birth and then (if still alive after childbirth) they can die a horrible death.
And now we see the results of not investing in The Education of all in the US nor in National Education Standard. McMahon is a cungcand going to fuck this up so much worse
We’ll said. Bare minimum for the collective good. We are of a selfish time. Shooting our own selves in the foot out of spite & willful ignorance. If I succumb because of it, I’m gonna poltergeist the crap out of maga.
Call me crazy, but I’m starting to think we’ve been bamboozled on this whole “freedom” angle the Grand Old Party has been selling us! Possibly even hoodwinked!
Except many of us are on Iowa Medicaid, and I'm wondering if this will mean it won't cover mRNA vaccines, which means we still wouldn't be able to get them. 😢 And many people aren't near a border like I am, or have limited transport. Just remember to have empathy.
Aren’t the lawmakers supposed to be looking out for the best interest of their constituents? This will lead to death….and for what? Another terrible idea.
Just like the scumbag hosts on Fox News who were spreading anti-vaxx news during COVID, all while they themselves were fully vaccinated, I fully expect every last Ohio lawmaker who voted for this ban was also vaccinated.
Yes, they have come up with an mRNA vaccine that is having great results with some pancreatic cancers. Some reports have shown remission in patients and I think that some have been over a year if I remember correctly.
Terrible news for believers in the rapture + the end of the world is a good thing. One reason some fundies oppose combatting climate change & environmental progress is that they *want* the end of the world. I believe that some are actively pushing for it to happen asap. They partner with the greedy.
So now, instead of these anti-vaxxers having the choice to personally avoid vaccines, theyre now forcing the rest of us to not be able to have them either.
Iowa is really gonna be a mess. Masses will die from COVID and Trumps tariffs will kill off their farms. Hmmm wonder who is going to buy up those lost farms? Do they. Teach Russian in Iowa?
Maga is on the verge of going full Khmer Rouge and shooting everyone who wears glasses. It should be called the Gulf of Dumbfuckistan, folks, in honor of the country’s Republican voters.
The other news recently is that an mRNA vaccine based treatment has been enormously successful in early test against pancreatic cancer, which is notoriously difficult to treat. So why doesn’t Iowa just say we’d rather you die.
Dowd was a BlackRock portfolio manager and then set up his own company Phinance Technologies - phinance’ is so cringe. What qualifies him to give medical advice and in-depth analysis of MRNA vaccines? A PhD in immunology? Or did he just stay at a Holiday Inn?
Considering that the average dump idiot over there thinks that Australia’s lockdowns and vaccine roll outs were “oppressive”, despite evidence that Australia was one of the few countries that handled the pandemic and post-pandemic economic downturn well, it doesn’t surprise me.
Yeah, it was inconvenient and things were hard for a while, but overall? Not that bad. We did pretty good for what we knew at the time, and I hope we took away some good lessons in case a panini happens again.
On my Nextdoor app in NYS tonight there is a thread of nurses bitching about getting fired in ‘21 for refusing the covid vaccine. Dumbasses everywhere!
There will be no healthcare providers left in red states except quacks and charlatans if they keep up with this nonsense, but hey, thin the herd! I have no problem with this level of stupidity
Petulant conman Pierre Poilievre lies, spreads hate, division and disinformation.
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada with Napoleon syndrome mimicking Maga cult doctrine.
The Republicans are going to get it, too... not just from COVID, but from pulling all of the social and healthcare programs that the red states rely on. Death by 1000 cuts and all that. But, hey, at least the MAGA can still rejoice in their choice while they're dying.
I guess the University of Iowa decided not to speak, even though their research lab used mRNA to assist in the radiation process of cancer patients. Nobody probably knows that was U of Iowa researchers played a BIG role in mRNA development. ISU also sat this one out but use it to protect animals 🤦♂️
Natural selection
It's that it is almost all for show.
Just like the scumbag hosts on Fox News who were spreading anti-vaxx news during COVID, all while they themselves were fully vaccinated, I fully expect every last Ohio lawmaker who voted for this ban was also vaccinated.
But now there is a possible treatment, and illiterates want to say, "no, you can't have it".
They will happenly want to pay for it to keep the new-Russians away.
Canada will follow.
Unfortunatelly they have to built 2 walls, one in the south, one in the west.
Europe has to impose special visa's & vaccination proof when Americans want to enter Europe.
Few lessons for next time and a few wingers but overall not bad considering it's the first time since 1919.
Yeah, it was inconvenient and things were hard for a while, but overall? Not that bad. We did pretty good for what we knew at the time, and I hope we took away some good lessons in case a panini happens again.
Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada with Napoleon syndrome mimicking Maga cult doctrine.
Extremely uneducated people killing people.
Sounds like a what birds do before they fuck. That little “please fuck me”dance? Yeah mate, that’s their caucus. Isn’t nature beautiful?