What's you're reasoning here? These aren't geniuses but they know how the economy works. That's their profits. Everything they're doing is perfectly explainable if we assume the purpose is to crash the economy, otherwise it's completely baffling and nothing makes sense
Trump and musk don’t know how the economy work. Trump is just dumb and musk is from Silicon Valley where it’s not a real economy but rather is another how many investors you can impress into giving you money. It’s PR economics not real economics.
And yet they're following a clear Yarvinist strategy to usher in a dark enlightenment society which has been rehearsed in countries across the world, like Argentina. It's just the shock doctrine, only they're deliberately inducing the shocks in order to collapse the state and privatize everything
they ideologically believe these things shouldn't exist and once they smash them up think the public will have a "scales falling from eyes" moment where they come to the same positions
I don't disagree, but I think they're aware of what will happen regardless of the front facing propaganda. If we assume the goal is the breakup of the global order and the rise of corpictatorship, it explains neoliberalism, police state growth, and bunker building billionaires buying up resources
JP Morgan had some of the same attitude decades ago. An economist named Kalecki theorized that some bosses prefer the power trip that widespread unemployment gives them, even if that's bad for profits.
25% of the US GDP is Federal spending. If you totally halt federal spending that drops us 6 places in GDP/c rankings overnight, and that’s before the deflationary spiral nukes us entirely