He is in his final stages of life and going out like an asshole.
I just don't get it.. I wanna be remembered as someone who helped people.
Not someone who is a greedy little bitch who destroyed the lives of millions for a few bucks on my way out the door.
I just don't get it.. I wanna be remembered as someone who helped people.
Not someone who is a greedy little bitch who destroyed the lives of millions for a few bucks on my way out the door.
where pigs get roasted🐖🐷🐽
#RESIST #PresidentFelon #nazi
#PresidentElon #TrumpTrash
#RemoveTrump #ImpeachTrump
I think it's because of his narcissistic traits.. He doesn't care if it's good or bad publicity, all that matters is people are giving him attention.
If he causes enough shit, they will be talking about him long after he's dead.
Possibly a big case of little dick syndrome as well.
So sad for his MAGA. Those who desperately believed his lies🦂