I don't remember who said it but I once heard that the best way to defeat extremist parties is to let them rule. The party being referred to then were Muslim extremists. I think there is some truth to that but we can not sit on the sidelines and wait for the "other side" to fail on their own.
Not sure how many decades we will have to deal with these Christo-fascists, their tainted theology, and ideological corruption but every day is a day too long for my liking. But, hasn't history shown that religious wars can be the worst and longest type of war?
I get the sentiment but a lot of people and institutions are going to suffer. People have to fight back. And doing nothing just adds to the narrative that Democrats do nothing… and enough damage can be done by trumpers to keep opponents out of power for a long long time
If you're just concerned about winning the next election, I get what he's say. If you're actually worried about protecting citizens, you can't just sit and do nothing.