If able, it's the least we can do. I didn't know Jeff lived in Asheville. I hope his house and property were okay. You're so lucky I can't sew, or you'd be gifted with an iguana pillow, which would ruin the new aesthetic! This was a great idea on the part of the OGs. ❤️
Thinking of you today, as always. Hope you can take some time for yourself, enjoy a little bite to eat & feel the love that surrounds you from everywhere. ❤️
The love, respect and friendship that Croutonians have is because of the world you created for us.
We are fiercely loyal and protective over #SES
We got you Beth ❤️
Just donated...a new space, cozy and warm, will help so much. Hoping you have good friends close by who are helping with the animals, wish I could do this.. it is a huge responsibility. Sending❤️
Beth is also an artist. She’s shown us her work from time to time and it really is lovely 🩷. Making art is genuinely therapeutic, so hopefully she can use this space to escape the stress of her loss for a bit and create something beautiful ❤️🩹
thank you to Jeff, and all the OG Croutonia organizers🫶🏻
What a wonderful community we've got in Croutonia!
Way to go, everyone!
Thank you OG Croutonians. I'm so excited for Beth 😍
We are fiercely loyal and protective over #SES
We got you Beth ❤️
In solidarity, and with love from Arizona.