Little boy’s father: “Wha hoyed the netty in the Wansbeck?”
Boy: “No dad.”
Father: “When George Washington’s dad asked him if he cut down the cherry tree, George said ‘Ah can’t tell a lie’ and his dad didn’t skelp him because he was honest. So, wha hoyed the netty in the Wansbeck?”
Boy: “No dad.”
Father: “When George Washington’s dad asked him if he cut down the cherry tree, George said ‘Ah can’t tell a lie’ and his dad didn’t skelp him because he was honest. So, wha hoyed the netty in the Wansbeck?”
Boy: “Ah can’t tell a lie, dad. It was me”
His dad skelps him.
Boy: “why’d you skelp me, dad? George Washington’s dad didn’t skelp him when he cut down the cherry tree!”
Father: “George Washington’s dad wasn’t SITTING in the cherry tree!”