This is why if you want to help Ukrainians, you hear out Ukrainians first, donate to Ukrainian orgs, and do *not* prioritize outside influencers over them - Allyship 101.
Centering makes the difference between aiding or usurping of their cause.
Centering makes the difference between aiding or usurping of their cause.
Those in touch with Ukrainians and volunteers were *not* at all surprised by United24Media de-listing GL.
It's years of GL-adjacent people attacking Ukrainian orgs as part of the business model. "Donations to CBA don't reach Ukraine", they said.
Here's an example out of many of donations to CBA *definitely* reaching Ukraine, and bringing Moscow into Beaver range.
I give Come Back Alive's participation in the Beaver's top-secret development as an example, because that's peak opsec, and they *still* publish detailed reports as is expected.
Check their 2023 and 2022 Annual Reports here.