Imagine a world where the only political party that understands how to govern and pass legislation and still cares about liberal democracy actually knew how to win elections?
They have to first define what their message is. Too much fear that in the defense of the working people they will lose their privileged donors $$. In other words, get off the fence and work for the common good.
Couldn’t agree more. Would give money to a Liberal Podcast Fund or Liberty Podcasters or whatever we want to call it to fund podcasters across the nation. Make more liberal millionaires who get the word out about true love of country and democratic ideas, humanism, and principles to equal the field.
I believe that every would be Democratic candidate for public office should be given a copy of George Lakoff's "Don't Think of an Elephant". They should be required to read it cover to cover with the understanding they would be tested on what they had learned before being allowed to run.
Favreau’s only skill is shit talking Democrats.We’re up against the Russian propaganda machine. Platitudes harkening Madison’s pluralism won’t work against cult mentality.We’re battling psy ops programs designed to create cult behavior /thinking.Politics isn’t the issue.Brainwashing is.
My dude, the media ecosystem that amplifies the right wing is red white and blue American. The oil and fracking barons who fund shit like the Daily Wire and PragerU are American. Joe Rogan is American. Theo Von is American. This is an AMERICAN propaganda machine. The rot is AMERICAN.
Democrats always strike me as bureaucrats who are embarrassed by the fact they have to tell people what they've accomplished. They seem to think Americans should just know that the Dems did something beneficial and not need to crow about it.
democrats need to understand that we’re at war with christian fundamentalism and we need to replace “peaceful activism, social media whining, and clever exposure of hypocrisy” with unapologetically ruthless skulduggery
Most stranger GOPs in the last 10 years sound like assholes to me. This article offers nothing enlightening. It’s another version of blame the Democrats because they failed to convince 2% more voters that wrong isn’t right, lies aren’t truth, or because Musk bought X & an election.
Doesn't fix it. The article is one of those where you can only read the first part, which doesn't really answer the question, and loading it in here does nothing
Yeah it seems a couple websites have found the trick to stopping the site from getting through. This is the 2nd one I've noticed. I think WSJ also has been successful if I'm remembering correctly.
Democrats don't have a persuasion problem. They have a trust problem. They have a vision problem. They have a corruption problem. The idea that the Democrats have a messaging problem is a poor excuse for lack of action on what matters, not building a bench, and not fucking retiring when they should.
They also need to understand that there are major elements in the DNC that are there to act as controlled opposition to any change from those left of center. A lot of those folks are bought. 😕
There is a big difference between persuasion based on lies (MAGA) and persuasion based on evidence based facts. MAGAts have made it a business. Unless the Dems want to engage in the former, they will always fall behind. If they get into the mud, they will lose credibility & support.
My thoughts: democrats tend to treat people like they are adults. Put an idea out there and they think people will think about it mull it around and come to a conclusion in line with them but they don’t realize people want to be told what is what and not think about it.
Democrats need to understand that unifying around messaging is what the other side does best. And we need to stop kicking ourselves in the nuts with big policy brags and start punching back at the maga message machine
I fear not. MAGA are disconnected from reality, trying to punch or shame them into seeing the light is pointless, they actively reject truth. The way to win, as Biden and Obama before him did, is getting the Democratic voters exercised.
At a certain point, we need to lump us all together. Preferably, the populist D's control the messaging, but coalition is the only way to combat the mis/dis-information shit coming from the enemy.
Please stop acting like that’s the only problem. There’s no such thing as applying pressure to retiring, vastly more popular Senators in a 50/50 split. You need to focus on winning 52-54 seats, not trying to circle the wagon on the most untouchable member.
The election results may have been extremely disappointing at the top of the ticket, but check the down ballots positive results, the Democrats fared much better than expected.
I’m talking about their response to trump since he was elected. And I haven’t heard any worry about President Musk and the danger he brings to our democracy.
you are always so critical of democrats. they need to do this, they need to do that, they are wrong, etc. sorry, you are not a helpful person when it comes to the mess this country is in, caused by the repubs, not the dems.
This is the first time I see "Democrats" and "persuasion" in the same sentence. Everywhere else I read that Dems always have to follow the popular opinion to win elections.
If people like you disappear from the United States forever, you’ll find everyone will be persuaded, you already know this deep down, but right at this Moment, a Fat Felon Rapist is more attractive to the population than you! If you were a woman you could lower your chances even more!
Thank you for making much clearer and actionable an idea I've been casually telling my friends. This is a big business, and somehow the Democrats are neither participating, nor working against it in a meaningful way.
You would know all about 'persuasion' right?
You helped backstab this country into oblivion
When word was out that she was a RU false actor run by the Sanders' camp to damage Joe Biden, you contiued to double down instead of using your vast journo resources to find & report the truth
Nope. But Media Man Mehdi rolled it off his tongue like it was the real Biden scandal Trump would need, via his guy Bernie on the Left, to give him 4 more years.
Don't think a person with your persuasive skills should be taken serious when it comes to telling the Democrats how to run their business
How bout you take a look in the mirror Mehdi & then take a good look at the kick in the heart of our Constitution that YOU helped 'persuade' to its finality
"It appeareth also that logic differeth from rhetoric, ... that logic handleth reason exact and in truth, and rhetoric handleth it as it is planted in popular opinions and manners."
-Francis Bacon "The Advancement of Learning"
I’m begging strategists and beltway pundits to spend sometime in the middle of the country. And no, Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania don’t count. Go to Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Indiana. Talk to Democrats there. Find out how the rare ones get elected & how they strategize.
An Open Letter to Vice President Harris,
No. Crow. is your friend
You would know all about 'persuasion' right?
You helped backstab this country into oblivion
When word was out that she was a RU false actor run by the Sanders' camp to damage Joe Biden, you contiued to double down instead of using your vast journo resources to find & report the truth
How bout you take a look in the mirror Mehdi & then take a good look at the kick in the heart of our Constitution that YOU helped 'persuade' to its finality
"It appeareth also that logic differeth from rhetoric, ... that logic handleth reason exact and in truth, and rhetoric handleth it as it is planted in popular opinions and manners."
-Francis Bacon "The Advancement of Learning"