Good day to re-up my piece from a couple years back on how the ‘lab-leak’ folks have won over much of the media & the public, without producing much hard evidence, in comparison with the scientists who still point to a natural origin for Covid.
Let them behave like this and soon everyone will.
Our political social governance system is overwhelming our scientific system.
Danger zone!
but nature isn’t always comforting. nature is often spontaneous and violent.
humans have faced the consequences of that for generations, including naturally occurring pandemics.
i'm old enough to remember Fed admins that shut down airports to screen for ebola, preventing spread.
Natural origin is that explanation. Does that mean we don't prepare for both? No. Again, regardless of origin, politicizing masks and vaccines was criminal.
No one handles it right, it was weird ignorance on the right and willful arrogance on the left that hurt us.
We are in the land of lunatics now.
They know folks are only reading headlines!
They do not want to hear about your evidence. After all, now there are “alternative facts”. From the mind of Kellyanne Conway to Trump supporters everywhere.
It has happened before ... frequently.
We are talking about Chinese labs which did not follow strict procedures. (We have also seen that before).
When China let's the world examine all the evidence ...
Even the CIA has no confidence in its own 'yeah, maybe, we guess' 'most likely' scenario.
" the agency’s assessment assigns a low degree of confidence to this conclusion, suggesting the evidence is deficient, inconclusive or contradictory."
The goon squad trying to convince people are doing so by posting an 'overwhelming' (actually underwhelming) stream of scientific papers they never read, hoping you wont read them either
Again, if anyone wants to learn what happenned in simple terms im happy to explain ✌️
In this case, that the viral research lab was put there because of the site's proximity to the animal populations considered most relevant to that research.
And its the 45Sequel trend to 'Blame somebody, anybody else'!
I've listened to hours and hours of videos and there are way more convincing arguments that it was man made and therefore, escaped from a lab. 😰
So that's just what most people are going to believe.
Then why does it matter. If you're going to focus on the origins of COVID while also just ignoring the harm it's causing TODAY, it's just political BS.
Those people want no more gain of function research, fearing newer, more exciting viruses.
Whether they wear masks of what kind of BS it is is irrelevant.
Either it's a bioweapon or it's not. If it's a bioweapon, then all of these yahoos are out here with bare faces breathing in a Chinese bioweapon.
In that case, is gain of function research is worth the risks? Is it possible it could create a virus that would leak leak from the lab and cause deaths of millions of people?
I've been doing experiments and engineering DNA long enough to say that the existing evidence can be used to support either model. This may always be true.
End sarcasm mode.
this leads conspiracy minded people to think they’re onto something the government doesn’t want them to know about.
First he was giving Xi the benefit of the doubt - with China’s handling of everything.
Then he’s floating a sinister lab leak.
Then he’s not.
Now he’s talking hard ball with China - but who knows anymore.