I don't pretend to understand the complexities of whats happening in Gaza, but my heart is breaking at the death and destruction. I pray for peace for all. Xx Australia
I know enough to know that its an incredibly volatile and complex situation WITHOUT every knowitall who has no idea of the daily and historical complexities, adding there 5c worth of what is guaranteed not the entirety of the situation. So fuck all the way off.
What my balls and i see, is that you seem to have a LOT of OPINIONS that you NEED everyone to agree with you. That doesn't sound like a balanced person. Instead of pretending to understand and 'take sides'.I choose empathy. Gaza is above my understanding. Im not ashamed to admit I see both sides
Mehdi, i just started following Zeteo a few weeks ago: really great work from you all, appreciate it immensely—especially during this iteration of “Russia 1985-1999: TraumaZone”
Horrific whoever did it - but - IF true - then it seems Israel leadership is reaping what it sows. Extremism, nationalism, warmongering; which leads to what? To this.
Sorry... I did not take the time to triple check the sources - looks like you have. I am not (and do not claim to be) an expert - which is why I said IF...
The “wow” suggests you misunderstand; the write up is unclear but it seems these are likely Palestinians with Israeli citizenship (who anyway merely drove - without realizing that - the perpetrators?)
So are they walking back their claim that it was Iran-funded Hamas perpetrators? The last paragraph says that was the “initial assessment” that led Shin Bet to claim Iranian involvement.
But two Jewish-Israelis were arrested.
I hate myself for asking this, but I am curious:
Were they Jewish or Arab Israelis?
Arab is an ethnicity, and an Israeli is someone holding citizenship issued by the government of Israel.
Just as one can be Jewish but not Israeli, one can be Arab and Israeli.
However, it is very funny that you would, in the same sentence, call something an "abomination" and then say that you're not criticising it.
Kill anybody who might, someday, become a hostage.
But two Jewish-Israelis were arrested.
It’s a poorly written article.