“Who's Showing Up to Vote in the Senate? Not John Fetterman”
Reporting by Pablo Manriquez for Zeteo:
Reporting by Pablo Manriquez for Zeteo:
He will change parties to independent then vote with the republicans
I wonder what deal he made with the felon when he visited
He’s useless - he’s not a reliable Democratic voice any way.
I try to be nice on here, but this is a stupid fuckin' thing to say. Fetterman is the new Sinema and he needs to go!
Last time, a Democratic Senator lost the primary, and the party still won in November was Alan Dixon in 1992, Carol Mosbley-Braun won in November. PA isn't IL.
Pittsburgh pa and all
Them some but not until they are looking for a box to live under a bridge and even then they still may be too dumb and weak to get it 😊
I can’t figure out anything the man respects.
Constituents need to gather around a table and make the keep/remove list. Disappointed
i mean, it simply looks like he hates the job and all the simple responsibilities like voting. i was thinking he would jump ship to the gop, but lately it looks like he simply might quit.
what a buffoon.
When did we lower the bar for elected representatives?
I agree he needs to go.
He’s busy picking out his new wardrobe.
I'm sure he'll fill all those extra pockets with the dashed expectations of his constituents!
Where is @schumer.senate.gov ?
Prove to me I’m wrong!
Thought he was going to help make a difference.
I was wrong.
We stuck by him during his election
We stuck by him during his stroke
We stuck by him during his depression
For WHAT???
I could have never predicted this heel turn, and I can’t think of any like his ever happening in national politics.
Sure didn't want that traitrous nutjob in Congress.
HA! Little did I know.
How long until we can primary this joke?
Whether it’s the stroke or he has simply changed (or was pretending all along) is irrelevant.
Time for him to be sent home.
Primary him!
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He’d be out of office, and we could try again in 2032.