Insane story with insane examples. I can’t believe this is actually happening in America thanks to people like Cruz. You literally couldn’t make this stuff up:
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The poster boys are diverting our attention with all of their fascist posturing, while this goes on just under the surface. Dig deeper to find much worse.
republicans are proving every time they open their mouths they are clueless. This is not MAGA TV or your version of reality TV. They are impacting American lives and simply just do not care. It is all about power, money, greed and control. Do they support the Constitution they swore an oath to?
Not to mention when you actually get into the reasons behind a lot of these studies, they’re literally being done to improve American quality of life. Hell some of them would improve humanity at large if successful!
That means you haven't seen Ken Paxton's push to give physical exams to all NCAA female athletes to PROVE they're female. It includes invasive exam of female body parts including measuring breasts and the female clitoris. Me, I see it as legalized sexual male perversion.
Or as a way to eliminate women's sports. I mean, what athlete would permit this grotesque, invasive examination? I can't see women's coaches or athletes' parents allowing it, either. And if athletes, parents and coaches all refuse, there won't be a team to "examine". Think of the cost savings!
What are democrats doing to try to ensure there will be free and fair elections in a trumPutinesque regime, when they haven't (to our knowledge at least) even acknowledged how NON free and fair the last election was!?
Do they ever learn, or do they simply count on the silent majority of short attention spans to take their “findings” as gospel? It’s almost like the dimwits say,“What can I do that a little scrutiny will make me look like even more of a dimwit?
I come from WI where Proxmire used to have the golden fleece awards. Profoundly anti-science and it is not possible to be anti-science without killing people in the end.
But we can't call him Ted Cruz anymore! Baby King Trump has demanded English only! We must be respectful to Ted's daddy by addressing him by his new given name & title: Senator Ted "Cross" from the State of "Friends".
These people think they're getting away with being Anti-woke, BUT we all know this is just another word for being racists and prejudiced against a group of Americans! Cruz is disgusting!;
Scientists should start writing grant applications without any words that will trigger a search result looking for “woke” verbiage. Maybe compose with fascist Republican terms instead.
Cruz knows what government does, although I don't know if he knows how science works. Cruz isn't a stupid man, he knows what he's doing. He's pandering. That's why an otherwise intelligent person would search through scientific abstracts based solely on key words
Cruz SHOULD know what government does, but if I remember correctly he’s never written any legislation in the whole time he’s been in Congress. All he does is performative BS. You’re probably right that he knows what government is supposed to do, but he doesn’t seem to grasp the significance.
I agree with you. I think Mr Cruz knows damn well what government is supposed to do, but so many conservatives are afraid of everything he can appeal to them by being obstructionist and making enough "good" sound bites to stay in the news
He’s fairly stupid, depending on where you draw the line. A definite midwit. I’d say 80-90% of the population would struggle to give you an articulate run through the scientific method and the purpose of the bulk of research.
Intelligence isn't always a broad thing. In public policy and law, I'm sure he could run circles around me. In what I do for my job, I'm sure I'm much better at it than he is.
He's not trying to understand the science, or even give the illusion that he is. He's trying to rile up his base.
I started to see a Cruz ad on YT and immediately flagged it because he was spouting off lies and nonsense about the oval office meeting between trump and Zelensky. I didn't watch it all the way through so I imagine it was a plea for money because the podcast ain't paying his soup bill.
Small point of fact, Mehdi. You could make this stuff up. You'd have a hell of a time getting it published before you were put on a 72-hour psych watch, but it is possible.
'Developing a device that could treat severe bleeding. It seems to have caught the committee’s attention for using the words “victims” — as in gunshot victims — and “trauma.” '
I invite you to research this guy Curtis Yarvin - the mastermind behind Musk/Vance Project 2025. They quote this guy constantly - R.A.G.E. - Remove All Government Employees, create a monarchy with a stupid king and tech bro’s take over and AI the country. Devalue the dollar oh &blacks need slavery
It sure is reassuring that Cruz and his people running this charade had their IQ tests come back as 'below detection threshold'. That's obviously who should be making these calls. FFS
When ‘science’ becomes a political target, you know ideology has trumped reason. Research on medicine, biodiversity, and social progress isn’t ‘woke’—it’s just reality. Weaponizing ignorance only holds society back.
The lack of critical thinking is exactly the point. I don't know if Ted Cruz believes in anything other than power. I'm sure he has the reading comprehension, he's choosing not to use it. That is far more dangerous.
Clearly, they all (or most) put in the requisite # of years of education, and I agree their values or lack thereof drive a lot of this. I’d say though that they share serious science illiteracy.
Since they are lawyers, I agree with you that they probably do have a serious blind spot to science. But whether or not that's the case, I think Cruz is being deliberately obtuse. Even if he did read the abstracts, he doesn't care. Buzzwords appeal to his base, well thought points do not.
How can people in that country still not rise up? Is there something broken with them? Do they wanna die? Are they enjoying the suffering? What is wrong with Americans?
Their power over everyone is that they don't care, you can see what they think strength is with their pathetic little smirks every time someone calls them out.
While working as a paralegal, I had to often review thousands of pages of documents. I used word searches, then read several pages before and after the word to determine the context and whether it was actually useful to the research I was doing. Context is key.
This schmo or Rafael "Ted" Cruz was born in 1970, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Should he be deported?)
His father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, is a Cuban immigrant.
You should be on your knees to make democracy better!
But only another foil that the GOP uses well, although meaningless!
it is not democratic but there has to be a minimum education standard for polies
but cruz is educted
oh, then psychological, emotional are reasoning testing should be required on an on going basis
but that would take ages and nothing would get done
so how would that be different
The problem is that he’s is smart enough to understand what the research is for and its value, but calling it out anyway to gain support from dumbasses. The
Problem is that at some point he’s going to have to support cutting funding for stuff like this and it’s going cause problems.
Vote this abomination out of office. It is the "right" thing to do. Or better yet, impeach him in Texas if possible. He, if he had more than the brains of a road apple, should resign from his office now. Get him out of there.
This is chilling.
He's not trying to understand the science, or even give the illusion that he is. He's trying to rile up his base.
#AntiIntellectualism #ScienceMatters #PoliticalTheatre #TedCruz
He's never answered me
USA has elected it's worst nightmare
Russian Agents
Coming to the USA soon
These people are so clumsy and unscientific in their research into science projects.
It's just things one would hope to expect from any top politician in the USA to do a lot better!
How stupid is this, Mehdi! Granted, Ted Cruz is not the sharpest pencil in the box, but really...
He needs to sit down and shut up!
They create cultural conflict between different social groups, then impose their ideology and moral beliefs.
His father, Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, is a Cuban immigrant.
You should be on your knees to make democracy better!
But only another foil that the GOP uses well, although meaningless!
but cruz is educted
oh, then psychological, emotional are reasoning testing should be required on an on going basis
but that would take ages and nothing would get done
so how would that be different
They want a perpetually impoverished, uneducated and dependent workforce serving them.
Who is terrified of Trump
A Waste of Skin
Be Gone Ted Cruz
Unfortunately for us, that didn’t work for Ted Cruz.
To sprout enough fur to spare us •that• face, Cruz would have to have been a werewolf.
Problem is that at some point he’s going to have to support cutting funding for stuff like this and it’s going cause problems.