If there is a God, why aren't all the priests, pastors and other church leaders who have sexually abused children found as piles of ashes after being struck down by lighting?
How surprised I was (not) see that this child molester, “man of God (sic) was front and center in pushing bathroom bill in Texas targeting transwomen. What a cliche.
Judge a man by the company he keeps:
Epstein, Maxwell, Tate brothers, Connor McGregor, Guiliani, Hegseth, Gaetz, RFK jnr and no doubt numerous others. His own digusting well documented proclivities. Power for these men means control over women. It's in plain sight.
A horse, a duck, and a a traveling preacher walk up to a farm and the preacher says "I'm going to be the spiritual advisor to Donald Trump when he's President"
Maybe those who seek to pass as the mouthpiece of an imaginary power IS a demon? It’s all rubbish anyway. Why engage in abuse if you believe the sky daddy sees all and is extremely punitive? They don’t actually believe any of it.
That's quite a call to be making. Evidently you haven't taken the time to contrast the collective "evil" deeds of atheists with those perpetrated "in the name of (one or more) god(s)".
If you're going to slap that label on "atheism", you're going to need a much bigger label for the theists.
And if we go down the infantile path of “ you are more evil than me as you killed X million number of innocent people whilst we only killed Y million number of people “
Then fuck all those evil vermin that served X and Y and all those working to minimise what both X and Y did
Everything Trump touches eventually implodes, goes bankrupt or dies. The Evangelical church did this to themselves. Robert Morris, Joni Lamb, Mike Bickle and Mark Driscoll are just a few who drag the name “Christian” around while having the insatiable need to control others.
This is the 17th white male I've seen charged for being a whole pedophile since October of last year. The pattern and common denominator is crystal clear
I was at this point some time ago. Just check out the so-called gurus who are sexual predators. Sexual predators gravitate toward religion because it provides them a mask, a safe place, a place to hide. It’s their sanctuary. That’s why it’s the first place to look for them.
You may not be old enough to know this but, a marriage doesn’t implicitly mean sex. In some cultures you could be married off and not consummate that marriage until age of consent. That doesn’t work for your gotcha though.
Waste your shameless breath elsewhere, for your despicable "could" doesn't come near to justifying the sacrificing of children to the ways of the neanderthal.
Hey, Mehdi; now do your, "what if Democrats had thousands of pedophiles molesting children yearly and inviting them into their cabinets?" What would Fox news be saying?
The amount of cases you hear about where “devoutly religious” people abuse children is astounding. With evangelicals it feels like an epidemic. The fact that they are ok with paedophilia is all kinds of fucked up.
Again, would love to see legislation that if your church is involved covering up child sex abuse that you lose your nonprofit tax status and are forced to pay back taxes starting with whatever year the abuse is proved to have started.
America if you love your children you will keep them out of these churches!!! Seems like the people that love and support Trump also abuse children, but this is what you all wanted. I feel sorry for the children because they are the ones that will truly suffer.
This putrid piece of garbage and the rest of them are the ones who profess to be pro life, and want to protect children, when they are the ones destroying children’s lives.
Mehdi, serious question, is Trump punishing the countries that imposed sanctions on Russia and have frozen Russian assets that they want to give to Ukraine? Thoughts?
They're ALL fucking pedophiles. Just like... ALL of them. It's not even a sweeping generalization anymore, The entire damn church is child molesters and people who are okay with covering for child molesters.
Democrat leadership has allowed the demonization of the LGBTQ+ community as pedofiles from the 60’s and 70’s playbook without any political pushback whatsoever. It’s time to get a backbone and expose these lies with the truth… that the hotbed of kids being raped is the churches, not LGBTQ+ drag hour
Epstein, Maxwell, Tate brothers, Connor McGregor, Guiliani, Hegseth, Gaetz, RFK jnr and no doubt numerous others. His own digusting well documented proclivities. Power for these men means control over women. It's in plain sight.
That's it. That's the joke.
We all saw in the gulags and the laogai and the killing fields what the evils of atheism are.
If you're going to slap that label on "atheism", you're going to need a much bigger label for the theists.
Then fuck all those evil vermin that served X and Y and all those working to minimise what both X and Y did
If you choose to express your evil via Das Kapital or The Bible or Mein Kampf
You are the evil.
Consciousness of wrongdoing.. but the Pastor decided HE and his Jesus could live with it….
These fake Christians are utterly reprehensible.
See the pattern?
I am somewhat bewildered about the title of a spiritual advisor. The idea that Trump lives by Christian values or even prays is absurd.
he must have forgotten to pay off ken paxton.
im sure there is still time for the orange menace to get involved