I’m sure all the people who shared NYT’s ‘Screams Without Words’ and Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘Screams Before Silence’ will be sharing this new UN report on Israel’s systematic sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian men and women, right?
Why does the BBC publish such obvious lies?
Life is full of choices between two non ideal options. That doesn’t make them equal.
What’s really nauseating is people who never raised their voice on the US government’s supplying of weapons that supported a year long bloodbath against children, think they have the moral authority to chastise those who did.
"Find Lynn Chaney let's get coffee".
And I stand by my point above.
I really hope that the liberal minded people of the US can now put their differences aside in order to get rid of Trump and Musk.
Have you asked to free them recently?
Didn't they read the memo? Don't they know Israel will always be the innocent victim, no matter how many crimes it commits?
It's become a nazi state without the gas chambers. Yet.
Not a word.
There are no good guys in that millennia old battle of pure hate.
Take one, take them all. The belly of that beast is all of them.