You know that Trump will try to pull another fast one to keep Musky around and threaten others who oppose. In the meantime, boycott all things Musk until a) he starts following laws, and b) he goes bankrupt. Cancel his contracts which he's using to fleece America.
Get this in the public eye, and not just the subset who are already enraged about it. Messaging should be repeated, forceful, simple: "GOV BUREAUCRATS ARE TAKING BILLIONS OF YOUR DOLLARS FOR THEMSELVES. We call upon president Trump to cut grants to all bureaucrats"
18 U.S.C. § 208 is located in Title 18 of the United States Code, Chapter 11. It is a federal law that prohibits federal employees from participating in government matters that could affect their financial interests.
This needs to pass on both sides. Then Trump should be impeached for putting so many Americans in harms way and acting against our best interests by siding with Russia.
Yes, but then what? We get Vance? I’d be happy to see trump gone, but it wouldn’t help stop the madness that is the heritage foundations project 2025. They are systematically following their manifesto. To the letter. Wanna know what happens next? Read P2025. It’s horrifying.
Yes, Vance is no bargain either. If he takes power, I predict that he won't last long before he's impeached as well. Just got to keep picking off the bad ones, one at a time, starting from the top.
All of the clowns saying the democrats didn’t do enough, what are you doing? Tell every family member, friends, co workers that supported trout to eat shit! Quit running your thumbs.
They're all running scared like Trump is the Anti-Christ. Oh wait, he is. He must have some big dirt on other Republicans to be able to demand support and get others to abandon their consciences or else.
I don't think it's a matter of Felon47 having dirt on anyone. I think it's his violent and deranged base that are threatening Republicans and they are giving in to the fear. The more they give into this deranged base the worse it gets. The GOP is letting the Felon walk all over them.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
I agree about Hakeem. We need someone that’s a fighter and doesn’t care what they say and doesn’t care how they do it. Hire a person that can do an unofficial audit in DOGE. If they can do it so can we.
Sounds great and all, catchy name, but does it have a chance in hell of passing? They know this, so it's like more performative "look we're trying" rather than planning any real action they and/or us can take to do something about him. This seems on par with the sign holding & colored jackets Tues.
Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. U.S. Const. art.
It’s not going to pass.Dems have no power. These bills are a waste of goddamn time. All it shows is how feckless we are because the American people stripped Democrats of all power.
We should’ve stopped the racist Christian assholes after the Civil War. We ignored them hoping they’d go away it just made them master criminality
We need to stop reading their old playbook. It doesn’t work. To beat criminals we need to think like criminals & outsmart them. Destroying them for good
Nothing passes anymore. That's why Trump was able to seize power like he has - Congress can no longer to make laws and enact policy, regardless of which party is in charge.
If you give away your power, someone will extraconstitutionally pick it up.
This is golden! 🤣 This one of the ways you fight these people! But this is only a band-aid. The real fight is getting special interest and lobby money out of politics. Roll back citizen united and a whole host of corrupt legislations!
ONLY the invisible and silent POWERS of Mother Nature and God and the Angels can do this by acting silently and invisibly through people . BRILLIANT MOVE by the Democrats 😇👍❤️Mark
It's NOT the Democrats who are doing nothing to stop the madness, it's the REPUBLICANS WHO ARE DOING NOTHING TO STOP THE MADNESS...Please STOP SAYING DEMOCRATS AREN'T FIGHTING THEY ARE...but they do not have a MAJORITY THE GOP DO...start complaining about REPUBLICANS instead
Republicans are the WORST, willfully destroying our democracy. But DON'T TELL US Dems can't be held responsible for sitting idly by with typical DECORUM as it happens!
Every single Democratic Senator and Representative should have spoken out like Al Green did. Their response was weak, meaningless 'let's pull together' BS. The Democrats have a responsibility, an obligation to be a thorn in the side of this wannabe dictator, and they are falling far short.
Yes they do and are trying...but keep in mind the PRESS & MSM cover CLICKBAIT....but I agree it's time to THROW DECORUM out the window...time to be HIGHLY VOCAL and try to get in front if every camera they can
True, we should be focusing on keeping it in the public eye that it is the Republicans using their majority to support the felon's chaos. Let people know just how important the midterms will be if we want to see real change.
May not pass this cycle; after the midterms, for sure. That's why we need to fight towards a Dem majority in Congress regardless of how dire it looks now.
Agree. I know folks are trying to maintain hope, but I don’t think everyone understands how government works. And so, when this goes nowhere, they blame Dems and the cycle of pain continues.
It sounds good but the House needs to approve it, then to the Senate, and the evil bastard to sign it.
This government is not passing bills anymore, only EOs.
God, please strike this man down.
The jugular? Ty at would wealth for treason and companies for national security. I hate these optimistic post as if “now they’re really fighting” - after 30 years of caging minor ambitions like #healthcareforall while they brokered deals to slow walk corporate fascism thru the back door.
Nice gesture but I hope you realize it is all theater when in the minority, without outreach to convince Republican voters to pressure their representatives nothing gets advanced. Sadly only pain is going to cause those voters to come around and that will take a month or more.
ON THIS BILL!!!!!!!!
If they can do this, then they should go after insider trading by congressional members as well.
politics #trump #love #peace
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
new leadership who will use every level of power to thward maga is what we need
hakeem aint it.
continues and will for the next 4 years! So be encouraged and join the fight with us.
Send US Marshals in to enforce the judgement of the federal courts
It's almost like we have stuff in place to safeguard against a rouge executive and/or legislative branch
And congressional dems have no power to arrest or charge anyone. (Ever this isn’t new)
They might be able to filibuster for a few days in the senate.
Every time I see “Dems should arrest him Dems should impeach him” and I ask how that truth is painfully clear
At the same time I think it would be a very good regulation to have in place.
Not likely, but it is part of the permanent congressional recod.
Is he on any kind of government payroll anywhere?
Does he even have an official job or title. If he doesn't then everything he's done must be illegal as he has NO authority to do anything.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
We need to stop reading their old playbook. It doesn’t work. To beat criminals we need to think like criminals & outsmart them. Destroying them for good
If you give away your power, someone will extraconstitutionally pick it up.
God, we are so pathetic! The world is seeing Americans for what we truly are.
This is a nice game.
Republicans are the WORST, willfully destroying our democracy. But DON'T TELL US Dems can't be held responsible for sitting idly by with typical DECORUM as it happens!
Sorry I was yelling.
Intense frustration and anxiety is the American way of life at present. No excuse but here we are.
I hope you find lots of unexpected miracles scattered throughout your day.
Sitting quietly and acting like this is normal is not gonna do it.
When an Army is attacking we rally our own forces, we don't just blame the attacking army, though it's their fault.
Liberal voters have no control over them. But we can affect Dem politicians. We can't wait for Nazis to save us.
Republicans built this.
Naming it after Elon just lets the Republicans off the hook.
Stop doing that.
This government is not passing bills anymore, only EOs.
God, please strike this man down.