Okay so how do you think they figured out what my (now changed) password was?
For reference, it was 20 characters, mixed case, with special characters and numbers. Not used elsewhere, so not from a breach list unless from them.
For reference, it was 20 characters, mixed case, with special characters and numbers. Not used elsewhere, so not from a breach list unless from them.
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The only thing I can think is maybe they looked at the last time they were changed and considered them weak based on either the elapsed time or the complexity requirements back then.
What explains that one?
But whether it's that or they store it plaintext, this is that reason I wish we'd stop talking about password strength and only worry about uniqueness
Usually TLS is considered enough security.
Hashing before sending solves less than you'd think, because you can't use a strong hash (unless the server provides the same salt every time), and it means that the password hash effectively becomes a password itself ("pass the hash")