No, it's the responsibility of the voters to pick the best available candidate. With agency comes responsibility, you abdicated that responsibility with a tantrum.
Whatever makes you feel better about the evil you’ve helped unleash. It’s nice that you’ve found a way to make sure that nothing is ever your fault, tho. Great job
Instead of taking responsibility to educate yourself on the candidate beliefs and positions, you want the candidate to do all the work for you as well as entertaining you.
That’s not being a citizen; that’s just being a reality-tv consumer.
So you want a party to buy you flowers and take you to dinner before you'll vote against a fascist with 34 felony convictions who is an adjudicated rapist? Seems like a weird flex but cool.
I was told repeatedly that my vote was not needed and my input was invalid. I was assured that bringing the Cheneys into the campaign was a winning strategy, despite the fact that everyone I know vehemently loathes that family.
Not sure why you are focusing on failures for a movement to gain any popular support last summer, but you should take a look at what the effects of that are going on right now.
Did you see Kamala's? When asked she said she would continue supplying bombs and money to Israel to continue the war.
Trump wants Israel to deport them all to be killed elsewhere, Kamala wanted to let Israel keep bombing them to death. Seems like the end goal is the same.
Ah, yeah. See, there's the problem. You don't understand that it's a politician's job to earn my vote, not my mandate to vote for them. And don't bother arguing that point with me until you've read Antonio Disperra's treatises on the matter
Is this democracy you're talking about the one where people shouldn't vote with their morals and beliefs? Idk seems like if you love democracy that would include all the ways people guide their votes lol
A child's understanding huh?A bold thing to say when you're still whining about how it's everyone else's fault for not electing someone who preferred cozying up to Republicans rather than campaigning to the more numerous progressive voters. Answer the question you worm.
I was told that I was an irrelevant crank with politics out of touch with the average American Voter and thus not needed to win this election. If I contest this, I'm considered crazy. If I concede this to be true and thus act appropriately, I personally got Trump elected.
I just want your prescriptive take on this. What should be done instead?
Should the vast swath of people who apparently feel similar just vote for a party that is by and large hostile to their political agenda forever on the grounds it's slightly less worse?
How should we in your opinion negotiate with a political entity that even the most basic bargining chip of "I will/will not vote for you" just simply doesn't appear to work or interest it?
Withholding your vote in protest doesn't shift the country towards your side, it shifts it the other way.
Instead of taking responsibility to educate yourself on the candidate beliefs and positions, you want the candidate to do all the work for you as well as entertaining you.
That’s not being a citizen; that’s just being a reality-tv consumer.
Have you seen his plans for Gaza?
Now this?
In between showing you videos of dead kids to get you to vote against your own best interests?
Did you see Donald latest plans for Gaza?
Not sure why you are focusing on failures for a movement to gain any popular support last summer, but you should take a look at what the effects of that are going on right now.
Trump wants Israel to deport them all to be killed elsewhere, Kamala wanted to let Israel keep bombing them to death. Seems like the end goal is the same.
And now you've destroyed American democracy too, is Hamas really happy with your sacrifice?
And do you not voting just makes you invisible.
We're claiming to do the right thing is all that matters.
I'm a pragmatic realist, where results and reality are where I actually exist, and what I'll build from next.
Then you could still ignore that it was also the right choice.
What work did you do during this last election cycle?
If you answer a few real questions then I'll answer your dumb one.
You thought I was being serious?
Donald's plans to redevelop Gaza have been out there for about 9 months now.
I surely hope the Democrats continue to get completely obliterated until people like you give a shit enough to insist they not be corrupt.
What is to be done?
Should the vast swath of people who apparently feel similar just vote for a party that is by and large hostile to their political agenda forever on the grounds it's slightly less worse?
And when faced with a binary choice, the "lesser of two evils" is equal to the "greater good".
If you can internalize both of those, you should start making better political choices.
Such a weird perspective.