That's one of the ways and about how 99% of my trades on the other site go. Even if it's someone idk but they're at least following me and interact with the community I assume they're not gonna jeopardize their standing in the community to scam me. All my trades these days are squish tho so
it's not like I'm losing *too* much money if something were to go wrong. It's probably not the smartest move but I've had no problems the last 3 years😂
if i trust someone/have seen them trading around in the community then i generally feel good sending them stuff, but you can always both exchange payment as reassurance too !! a little silly but i definitely did that when i didnt have anyone to vouch for me yet so!! all depends on ur comfort levels
I've been around long enough to see even trustworthy community members snub people so I only use G&S. However, once the trades arrive, we refund each other so PayPal doesn't get shit.
I prefer not having to send money via pp because then you end up loosing a few bucks on top of having to pay for shipping. Although I guess you should include shipping in that price so you get your squish money and shipping money back if you're scammed.
sometimes people do payment as an addon to make up for notable value discrepancies, but that won't be involved in most trades even if there is a difference.
sometimes people exchange equal amounts (so i send you $50 and you send me $50) to make room for a chargeback in case of a fraudulent trade.
If someone didn't meet any of those, then I'd do the whole send the value via pp G&S only so I could at least get my money back if they scammed me
sometimes people exchange equal amounts (so i send you $50 and you send me $50) to make room for a chargeback in case of a fraudulent trade.