Guy goes from lovable kinda cows dly dweeb to "Okay I gotta approach like wrestling persona. I'm big and tough and strong and can handle anything and never back down and cannot ever break character." It's so fucking good.
Bentley gets a really good arc: from "Guy is so nervous he can barely communicate with Sly on his second proper field job" to "single handedly saving Sly from prison"
Hell even Sly's presentation for a glow up: from thief trying reclaim his family legacy to"I must prevent the reassembly of the monster who tormented my family at all costs"
Compare how he reacts to Raleigh to how reacts to confronting Dimitri.
It on struck me on my last playthrough that Murray is in full "fake it til you make it" mode right up until the end of the third job. It's the reason why he's making his voice sound deeper than it is.
The end chapter three were he slips back into his Sly 1 ish voice to *beg* Neyla to help Sly is such good moment. He's not dh brute, he's playing it up. And right one his best friends is badly hurt. Or course the mask slips!
Okay instead of replying to every post in the thread, I'm just gonna say you *nailed* it 😭Funnily enough I was thinking of replaying the trilogy soon and now I might have to fast track that 👀
God these games are good.
Sly 2: We gave the cartoon turtle nerd, hippo doodus, and raccoon main character arcs, depth and pathos.
Compare how he reacts to Raleigh to how reacts to confronting Dimitri.
It doesn't work but Sly is taking Clockwerk seriously even if he's just a bunch of parts.