From Frances Bissell's lovely 80s book Oriental Flavours. This is lovely. Though I confess, I love the bite into a whole sprout, buttered. or roast and caramelised...
Bacon crispy , walnuts and in double cream with nutmeg and red onions. With a scattering of stuffing. The oven does the rest.
The versatility is great. Sprouts are the forgotten hero of Christmas
Absolutely, that's pretty much the recipe used here but we cook slower and add a bit of water every now and then to get a bit of steam going, but just a dash.
Looking at all your replies it seems we all have a better way of cooking the much maligned sprout. Boiling or steaming them is by far the worst way to cook them and if they’re any shade of green other than vibrant bright green when you eat them then you might as well bin them.
The versatility is great. Sprouts are the forgotten hero of Christmas
Nobody like boiled Brussels do they?
(Puts on suit of armour)
Add seasoning
Put in bin
Enjoy rest of Christmas dinner.
None of this ‘boiled until grey’ sludge method.