Nigel Farage wants us all to pay more for health care, much more. And for his friends and backers to profit handsomely from that.
This is a man who promotes hatred of immigrants but encourages wealthy tax-avoiders to find ways in, never contributing, always taking. That's who he is.
Bet he'll feel very comfortable when others health care insurance payments go to a company he has shares in! Bet he won't feel at all uncomfortable when people die, as they do in America, because their health insurance refuses to cover all their health care needs!
Of course he would never go bankrupt trying to pay his healthcare bills. It’s always someone else has to take the fall for his idiocy - exporters, fishermen etc.
Anyone with a social conscience should make it clear to friends and family that Farage would scrap the NHS and leave us all at the mercy of big business to justify our treatment. The NHS is the best thing a government has ever done for its people and it shouldn't be at the mercy of tinpot despots.
Says the millionaire idiot, who actually doesn't understand that insurance based health care enables pharma to charge higher prices for their products for normal working people.
Medical care in the US is mind-bogglingly expensive, but some of that goes to the companies that insure doctors and hospitals against patients who have to sue, because they aren't covered by their own insurance.
Private health insurance like the US is EXACTLY what is coming to the UK under a Reform UK Government. You have been warned. It is now up to us to ensure that Reform UK doesn't come into power. Or if they do, we prevent them from destroying OUR NHS
This is a man who promotes hatred of immigrants but encourages wealthy tax-avoiders to find ways in, never contributing, always taking. That's who he is.
Private insurance won't improve the NHS!.. it'll bloat his bank account though!.