Jeff just because you are a millionaire doesn't mean you can check your phone even in the trailers. It's important you know about the coming attractions, even if they seem -- to you -- to be tales of the "little people".
I mean they are arguably visual slop for the boorish and uneducated but also they might as well show the whole dad gum movie in the trailers these days! I simply check my financial apps to avoid spoilers!
I genuinely look away these days if it’s a trailer for a movie I want to see. They spoil the whole thing. Often when I look away I find that I have won a million pounds on the National Lottery app.
This is a fair point, I've considered the ads/trailers/house lights many times. But I'm still concerned that the overall message is check your phone in the cinema.
I once went to a film premiere where the cast of the film respected their audience and their own work so little that they kept their phones on throughout.