his ENTIRE adoptive family is much larger than this but I love posting this shot of Q'ihnn and his kiddos when I get the chance!
from left to right it's Zana, Arthur, and Alia, all of whom were adopted at different points and as of current msq Alia is actually still only like 2-3 years old!
from left to right it's Zana, Arthur, and Alia, all of whom were adopted at different points and as of current msq Alia is actually still only like 2-3 years old!
recently reconnected with his bio mom, Faye, too! and found out Erenville is his cousin!
oh! and he considers Ryne his niece, of course, that's Ophianne's baby girl!
I've tried mapping his family tree before but it turned into a fucking mess lmao I need a real robust system to get that laid out