The United Arab Emirates categorically rejects any attempt to displace the Palestinians and deny them ‘inalienable rights,’ the UAE foreign ministry said in a statement
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You’re all forgetting That must cause taken over the treasury
If anybody is owed money through the treasury in the US, they’re gonna have to do what must wants or not get paid
You fuckers all got played Thanks a lot idiots
Muslim world condemns it while taking American $ for oil. Nice to see that we're not the only country buried in hypocrisy. If they were serious they'd raise prices, reduce production, & if really serious, embargo.
Nobody of brothers and sisters in the Muslim world wants to help brothers and sisters.
But it isn't strange at all if you know with whom you are dealing with.
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Jordan have all declared that Palestinians have inalienable rights and should not be displaced, but none of them have lifted a finger to keep them from being massacred in their own country. They are all accomplices to genocide.
As a retired Soldier, I ask you "What exactly would you have these countries do?". I don't agree with any of what had happened in Gaza but it is armchair quarterbacks to declare other countries should start Word War III while the USA steadily supports and supplies Israel.
Who said anything about war? They literally did nothing when they could have imposed sanctions against Israel, pressured the US to stop supplying Israel with weapons or did more to supply humanitarian aid to Gaza. But they sat on their hands over this as they've been doing for years.
Also how do you supply Gaza through the corridors that Israel controls military without engagement? I am not being facetious, I would like to hear your ideas.
Find new corridors, make them if you have to. Remember that Gaza is essentially an open air prison for 2 million people. If Iran and Hezbollah were able to smuggle in weapons, it wouldn't have been difficult to smuggle humanitarian supplies.
Lower oil production to constrain global supplies? Or raise oil production to water down the market price for US oil? Withdraw from Middle East intelligence and law enforcement cooperation? I'm not a foreign policy export, but these countries have done worse in the past to get their way.
I find the protestations of other Arab countries a little hollow when they have done precisely ZERO to help Palestine. They have got rich while keeping Palestinians trapped in their death camp.
As a retired Soldier, I ask you "What exactly would you have these countries do?". I don't agree with any of what had happened in Gaza but it is armchair quarterbacks to declare other countries should start Word War III while the USA steadily supports and supplies Israel.
Cut of Israels oil supply. Saudi could do that in a week. Full financial embargo with sanctions. If US want to supply Israel they shd do it on their own. Rich Arab countries have been complicit in this whole affair
The distribution of oil is global. From what I understand the market is so interconnected that this simply isn't possible without causing a global shortage. I may be ignorant though l, so if you know different please enlighten me.
Then there is the neighbouring countries, Egypt, Jordan. Who have kept Palestinians trapped in their death camps despite Palestinians pleading to be let out. They created this mess by starting a war w Israel in 1967 that they lost. Now they pretend it has nothing to do with them
If anybody is owed money through the treasury in the US, they’re gonna have to do what must wants or not get paid
You fuckers all got played Thanks a lot idiots
They just don’t want any competition with Dubai.
He owns Trump and the administration.
But it isn't strange at all if you know with whom you are dealing with.