Be very clear sir, they’re taking money from kids who have IEPs and 504s. They are trying to shut down the guardrails and oversight at the federal level for how disabled children are educated.
They are taking the hope of college away from thousands of people who just want to better themselves.
And aside from Bernie and AOC, there's no opposition from the Democratic side. We need leaders! Not more texts from collaborators asking for donations.
We need to be asking our state reps how they plan on funding the shortfall. Higher state income taxes or elimination of programs? While our red state US Senators and Reps make the cuts, the burden to replace those funds will placed on local officials.
Perhaps they are doing so because they see how voting patterns are affected by education level. An uneducated electorate is more likely to be persuaded by base messages of fear and the "other."
And to start private white Christian Nationalist boys schools of indoctrination that won't have any oversight, while closing all public schools, leaving poor kids, minorities & girls out of any affordable educational option.
I’ve spent, literally, half of my life as a public school teacher - working my butt off to provide an excellent education to each and every student who walks through my door every day. And this is how my country repays me for my civil service.
Yes they are. And yet they are able find $ to investigate Trans kids, not help them or other students. You were great on Deadline White House today!
“The end goal is to make education a privilege for children born into wealth while destroying the meritocracy that is at the center of the American dream.” Timothy Snyder
The don't just want tax breaks, they want the treasury.
They are taking the hope of college away from thousands of people who just want to better themselves.
The government is not a business.
The government is a service.
The government serves the people.
A government of the PEOPLE, by the PEOPLE, and for the PEOPLE.