Gotta have perseverance. It’s the only way to get where you want to go. Nobody is promised an easy ride. So if 12 years of work haven’t done it, time to redouble your efforts and go for 13.
I was going to ask you why but I read the article. Very neat. I’m sure you get asked that a lot. However a follow up. What is a question you wish you were asked more often? Something you don’t get to talk about much not just comics related but on any topic.
For a perfect 10/10, how about UXM #173? Paul Smith’s sequence of wide-screen action panels of Logan/Rogue v Viper/Samurai are the original “cinematic.” And they’re a perfect wordless moment-by-moment telling of the story. Chef’s kiss.
Have you found a good place for fans to share about what they enjoy? Might be counterintuitive to ask instead of sharing my love. But the ways I used to read, watch and engage with fans about comics has all been subsumed by inherent negativity.
Nobody's engaged with my love of From the Ashes yet.
Agreed! Been loving your X-Titles! I look forward to Adjectiveless, Exceptional, X-Factor and Storm the most! Would love more miniseries like Mystique and Sentinels! Wolverine and Phoenix grow on me more and more with each issue!
Just a great variety of art styles, themes, tones and characters!
I think people are nostalgic about continuing numbers but I really don’t care at this point. Whatever gets the books in front of the greatest number of potential readers.
On single issue I'm ambivalent. On TPBs, which are intended to be evergreens, having 10 X-Men volume 1's and 8 X-Men volume 2's makes it a challenge to know what to read next
Dunno how much you can go into it but did talks with you and DC during the Jemas... unpleasantness... get far enough into thinking about where they would have fit you into the publishing line?
If you and your family decide to book a trip to Hawaii, one of the best ways to see the major islands (Oahu, Maui, Big Island, and Kauai) is booking a Norwegian Cruise.
Sometimes creative collaboration ends up a generic product-by-committee. Much commercial art falls into this trap.
Nobody's engaged with my love of From the Ashes yet.
Just a great variety of art styles, themes, tones and characters!
Merry Christmas!
*writer or artist
Mele Kalimaka (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian.) to you and your family.
I live in Hawaii.
If you and your family decide to book a trip to Hawaii, one of the best ways to see the major islands (Oahu, Maui, Big Island, and Kauai) is booking a Norwegian Cruise.
It’s a fun, relaxing cruise.