Second time is the charm: here's The Hamburg Game Devs Starterpack ✨
If you'd like to be added, please comment under this post with a short description of your job/project :) (no need to do it a second time if you did so on our last post already)
If you'd like to be added, please comment under this post with a short description of your job/project :) (no need to do it a second time if you did so on our last post already)
You can find the free demo on Steam and wishlist if you like it <3
I'm a VFX Artist/GameDev Generalist at, and I also work on my own little games for the 💛
Well, this is how the Playdate looks like ⤵️
Hi, I'm Patrick from and I manage the "Indie Devs & Games" feed. If you like #IndieGames take a look, like and share ❤️
Thank you for setting up the Starterpack. It has just helped me a lot 🙏
Sound designer + composer teamworking together with 💪🕶️