If this is for a rough draft, then plow through and get as close as you can. If this is for something that needs to be at 90% or better, then here's what I did:
Caveat -- It's best to do this with someone who will look after your physical body because you're fixing to fuck it up for a few days.
Caveat -- It's best to do this with someone who will look after your physical body because you're fixing to fuck it up for a few days.
Take your meds.
Don't forget to pee.
Ask your family members to check in every 4-6 hours, preferably with snacks. Watch the sodium intake so your ankles don't swell too badly.
At least four different productivity hacks -- sprints with friends,
Whatever your brain spits out is what you write. If you have tentpoles left to hit, aim there. Trust your experience to structure the end of your story correctly.
If you do it once, it's not a problem. When your brain decides this is the ONLY way to finish a book, it's a problem.
Best of luck and stay healthy!