I’m half expecting a pile on - but isn’t this an overreaction?
I’m half expecting a pile on - but isn’t this an overreaction?
I remember reading about it at the time. It seemed grossly inappropriate back then, so I'm glad that justice has been done.
If my boss kissed me in front of my entire office, on the lips, when I didn’t want him too, I’d lump him!
It was unacceptable then to- but no one was ever admonished, let alone charged.
He got off with a slap on the wrist.
Yes, it was wrong, but he hasn’t ‘got off with a slap on the wrist’.
As former head of Spanish football, I'm assuming he's got the €10k.
When I think 😳 what me and my contemporaries put up with ! But it definitely doesn’t make it right
I’ve often thought that violence towards women, murder , kids getting killed on the streets are more deserving of our outrage tbh. As is poverty and homelessness. It seems to me that sometimes we are expending our outrage on lesser issues.
But I think you’re right and I’m wrong. In reflection. I think my generation put up with far too much
When people are losing whole families and losing limbs in Gaza and Ukraine, this (we both agreed ) was a lot of anger about an incident that should have had a lesser more proportionate reaction.