Luck of the draw on where you’re born. It’s not choice as much as circumstances. It’s not easy to leave nor do most other countries want you as you age. If you don’t have the means, have family, grandchildren…
Freedom isn't just about rankings. I would say that context matters. The US emphasizes personal liberties, but global indexes weigh factors like healthcare, equality and press freedom.
You mean actual freedom that impacts on your life and life span? I'm guessing you think the US has more personal liberties despite evidence to the contrary.
are gleeful that Tang is in control. A larger population to make stock holders happy. The so called land of the free has the largest per capita population, esp if you are a person of color, in the world.
I’m referring to constitutional rights such as freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and gun ownership. These liberties are central to American identity, although you seem to question their scope and balance with societal needs. In fact, many immigrants risk their lives for such opportunities.
Like freedom for women to control their own reproductive systems esp when they're having a pregnancy complication that could end her life/compromise her fertility, the freedom to have sexual relations with whom ever you desire or how you desire these are on chopping block. reason why priv. prisions