I’m sharing talks and posters from this weekend’s @SJDM-tweets.bsky.social conference.
First, a talk about the #jobMarket — by the way, I’m hiring a 3-year #postdoc researcher who does quantitative #decisionScience and can #workFromHome in the U.S.: https://geisinger.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/GeisingerExternal/job/Danville-PA/Postdoctoral-Fellow---Decision-Sciences--Remote-Capable-_R-69755
First, a talk about the #jobMarket — by the way, I’m hiring a 3-year #postdoc researcher who does quantitative #decisionScience and can #workFromHome in the U.S.: https://geisinger.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/GeisingerExternal/job/Danville-PA/Postdoctoral-Fellow---Decision-Sciences--Remote-Capable-_R-69755
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Shorter messages
- improved recall, etc.
- undermined perceived importance
For more, follow @charliedorison.bsky.social
#business #communication #CogSci
- Snail #mail usually better than #email or text messages
- Letters > postcards
Follow Dr. Lasky-Fink on gScholar to learn the latest: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ySEDHyEAAAAJ&hl=en&inst=2438481962696796233&oi=ao
I didn't find an online preprint about the presentation, but Dr. Dannal's on gScholar if you want to find out when it's published:
With no slides, I offer a view from down the street.
People were most likely to question their view
- about objective facts
- via reliable informants
- when belief change wasn’t costly
Kerem and this paper are on gScholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=wBVlDlYAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=wBVlDlYAAAAJ:ufrVoPGSRksC
#cogSci #xPhi #edu
- misjudged aggregate chance of success
- cared more about *opportunities* for success than *rate* of success?
You can follow Amanda on gScholar to find out when these data are published: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_pBu_CMAAAAJ&hl=en&inst=2438481962696796233&oi=ao
Revealing applicants'
- disadvantage *improved* officers' evaluations.
- advantage slightly *decreased* evaluations.
For updates follow Dr. Mungia Gomez's pubs:
Follow Dr. Sezer on #Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=DEWGjOMAAAAJ
#business #communication #gigWork