Watch Dogs 2, feels like people don't talk about it a lot because it's from Ubisoft and its sandwiched between 2 controversial games, but it's in my top 3 games of all time.
yeah, I've never seen anything like it, it's a turn based system that you gotta use your position relative to the enemy and your allies to setup your strategy. It feels more like a Platinum game with turn based combat than a turn based rpg. It's really complex but surprisingly intuitive too.
i neeeed to find something new to sink into 😭 i finished the new life is strange last weekend and have been finding my way back to god of war ragnarok, but i want something cozy and addictive and mind-numbing 🥹😭
Well, DAtV reminds me a lot of Mass Effect thanks to the action combat and the hub feels like the Normandy! I guess you’ll like it, it is also a soft reboot and does a good job explaining the story to a newcomer!
I played a few minutes of it the other night, just to get an idea, and it's got some serious, like, original Resident Evil vibes going on. Even has tank controls for an option, ahah
Disco Elysium over here, it's been a little while ... and I kinda hope to get a similar feel I had the first time playing it, but I doubt it will capture me as much even when taking a different approach
Might likely gonna be playing one of the classic PS1 games, I go for Bugs Bunny and Taz: Time busters as I stream my gameplay to my siblings and in case that isn't possible I might go for Medievil, both are nice and fun games.
the game is like a fever dream