Were you born yesterday?
Obviously i didnt mean literally, but for how theyre used they might aswell play ammunition with how its going for the kremlin right now
I am of the same opinion, but there are some few that wearent able to leave in time for legitimate reasons, and to those that are brainwashed by a full on kremlin propaganda sphere, well they wouldn't consider the railways or draft avoiding anyways
And it would start up the moment the applications dry up enough, sure they are not innocent, but having an alternative to it in either a literal anti draft clause or just enough wage that they dont have to sign such horrid contracts, since its obviously a job where one isnt gonna die as much
They have plenty of alternative opportunities as the work market is in their favour. They make the wrong choice because they think it's a better deal. They are wrong, but that's their problem.
Obviously i didnt mean literally, but for how theyre used they might aswell play ammunition with how its going for the kremlin right now
That was what my origional message implied