I usually go with one of the latest expansion jobs. My WoL has been:-
ARR - Dragoon/Ninja
HW - Dark Knight
SB - Samurai/Red Mage
ShB - Dark Knight
EW - Reaper
DT - Pictomancer
Wow! That's a line up! What a nice idea to have the poster job as the expansion MSQ! DarkKnight and Shadowbringers was quite a nice touch with Warrior of Darkness!
Thank you! It was mostly a "flavour of the expansion" thing from Heavensward onwards, but I really enjoyed each one. And the Dark Knight Shadowbringers combo just felt right.
I’ve mained monk for the entirety of my time in the MSQ! Something about being a fun-sized punchy boi appealed to me when I first made Aedyn, and then he snuck in and punched my heart (lovingly)
I like Monk and Ninja as my melee jobs, for ranged i prefer Bards and Blackmage.
I do savage as a Whitemage and Astrologian when I want to have fun.
Tanking wise I'm with you, Dark Knight and Paladin all the way.
I was a Sage in EW, but have now accepted my fate to be a Gunbreaker main (at least until something else grabs me!) I just slowly ended up tanking more and more.
Most of the Time, I play Sage (Because our Light Party needed someone who isnt a DPS, and I thought why not?), and lately a Lot of Warrior to do some silly Stuff XD
ARR - Dragoon/Ninja
HW - Dark Knight
SB - Samurai/Red Mage
ShB - Dark Knight
EW - Reaper
DT - Pictomancer
Monk sure does have amazing poses too!!
I do savage as a Whitemage and Astrologian when I want to have fun.
Tanking wise I'm with you, Dark Knight and Paladin all the way.
I must come to terms of trying out heals again >_<
But can also somewhat play PLD and White Mage
My Glam is inspired from Soul Eater :3
Reaper is currently the only job I have at 100
Hopefully I can learn to play other job while dodging mechanics as well
I cheer you on \o/
I do warrior, paladin, scholar, and astrologian :)
All my tanks are 100! :3