Who slept like dogshit and is ready to scrub out the Battle Hardened? This guy! It's almost tradition that I don't get great sleep before an event at this point, but at least I'm adopting a new cat today!
#fabtcg #BattleHardenedPDX
#fabtcg #BattleHardenedPDX
Great game even if I think CYB is bullshit lol. Got my opponent to 7 four different times through the game, but ultimately ran out of gas
Player was pretty new to the game and didn't know the matchup. Ran away with a 20 point life lead by the end
What a good game. Played against a local and risked quite a bit going down to 1, but when hatchet comes in for 6 and they have a hand full of chi, a tight game turns into the W
SUPER close game again. Turn 1 true and opponent arsenal passed (respect) and we were neck and neck until I got a few all red hands and couldn't make it work
Lol what a non-game. Illusionist was the one matchup I hoped I didn't get paired into, and it was the nail in my coffin to go 2-3 drop. Player and I did good trades after though!