am i reading this right that independents seem to more often oppose movements than support, relative to the other two parties? it looks like the independents are regularly on the lower side of the halfway mark.
This graph is showing % who said “mostly support.” Other response options were “mostly oppose” and “not sure.” Independents were more often “not sure” than other groups. They may have been more opposed than supportive of some but I don’t think that was often the case
As usual, the data scream partisanship, but so much so that party affiliation often predicts support for social movements better than actually belonging to the identity group the movement advocates for. (2/11)
For instance, Democrats are more supportive of every women’s rights movement we asked about than women as a group are. Maybe that’s because more women are Democrats? (3/11)
Some of this is probably due to education and the fact that women were more likely than men to say “not sure”, but even accounting for these didn’t take out all the differences. (5/11)
I found the same thing with BLM support. Democrats—even White Democrats—were more supportive of BLM than Black people as a group were. Not the case for the Black Power or Slavery Abolition movements though. (6/11)
I was kind of shocked by the party-over-identity finding, but it makes sense. It seems to be the case for more recent movements, likely because they have been more heavily politicized, and party identity has become an overarching, moral identity. (7/11)
Famously bent.