what the duck? europe to blame? in a war? we ducking backing the victim of aggression up here, not taking dump in the corner! surrender is not an option - especially when we dealing with russia, the most shiitiest country in the world
Russia is to be blamed. Russian broke international law by invading another country, killing thousands of civilians, raping women, stealing and destroying cities.
Crimea was occupied in 2014, and Russia has been waging proxy war against Ukraine since then. What were European leaders doing? Increasing defense spending? No. Helping Ukraine with their defense buildup? No. Building Nordstream-2 to increase their reliance on Russia for energy? YES.
I'd argue Merkel is to blame more than anyone. Blocked Ukraine's NATO accession in 08, allowed Europe to become dpendent on Russian energy, let in too many anti-western refugees which spiked far right parties in Europe and slacked off on German defence spending.
Also, I think we group all the European countries together too much as a collective when there are many differences in how countries reacted. For example, Poland has behaved completely differently.