For those who don't have enough outrage. If she had been a white man, she would be hailed a hero on the website. But because of the color of her skin and the fact that she is a woman, she will be erased from history.
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No one gets to make this decision! Especially a cowardly POS who got out of serving from falsified "bone spur" diagnosis. Fuck MAGA. This woman deserves more honor that one single person kissing Trump's ass.
I'll know her ❤️
How threatened do you have to be to delete/remove ANY person's accomplishments?
When OJ is gone (not soon enuff) all will be restored.
OJ will be remembered... Not the way he expects. But will be remembered as a dark stain on this country (JD a dark stain on a couch😉)
Sad -- this woman, this PATRIOT, deserves her place in history.
To all the maga shitheads who support deleting her story- fuck all the way off.
You’re all incompetent pussies.