What in the Kentucky Fried Fuck... if that guy's been employed for any length of time more than a day or two that tells me the establishment is a massive red flag. Sorry you had to deal with a server who is that awful.
Soooo what you're saying is there's still an opening for this Greece holiday...... joking aside, I don't understand how some people can't see their attention isn't wanted.
As a man, and k hope I won’t be canceled for being a man. But that’s insane. Dude must be suicidal or something. Should loose his job asap and probably will thanks to you if u called
OMG, I actually gagged. That is so creepy and disgusting. He shouldn't work as a server at all. There's being assertive, and then there's just being aggressively creepy. I hope the rest of your day is ten times better than that
I’m so sorry you had to go through that
Light his ass up to his manager 😱