I am not counting him out. Good gosh. I am saying he hasn’t had enough support at this point to go to a higher level and if he hasn’t gained it yet, he’s not going to.
Not true. He's touring around the states right now, rallying the people. He's one of the best articulators of what's going on, in plain language that people relate to. Pay attention.
I agree, he is actually doing more than any of the other Dems. He is out there every single day. He is holding Town Halls in maga country, he has never taken a penny of corporation money, and has been honest and transparent. And he's voting against every single measure the Republicans try to bring
I stand by my age comment but I admit I was thinking this was an Al Green thread. I’ve been mad all day about the ten democrats that voted to censure him. Sorry about that.
100%!!!! he is one of the few speaking up and out for us!!! Anybody who is against that or him in general, no matter his age, is out of their mind and not for the people!
Not true. By advocating for the working class he really has contributed to changing the terms of debate. thank him for more funding into community health centers during the ACA enactment period. It’s how poor /rural people have some place to go for primary care. I could go on….
He’s out doing more than most of these younger people, although he’s really too old to be doing much else. Bernie haters always gonna be Bernie haters. 🙄
He’s literally out holding events and touring to rally people and talk about what we do now. Some of these people are doing FAR less. Do I think he should be president now? No. Do I think he’s useless, also no.
We cannot go too far to the left. That is why we are here. 20k for first home, blanket cancelation of student loan debt is tone deaf. Reach out to Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney. More people in the middle than on either side.
Oh please. Appeasement has never worked. That’s why we’re in a mess right now. We should have Medicare for all. Any younger person could absolutely be bankrupted by a catastrophic health crisis.
Lack of compromise is exactly what got us here. We can only expect the same result by sticking to the Progressive agenda. Every 4 years we get in and push an agenda that makes half of us uncomfortable. Then the next 4 years we get whatever is happening now. Huge pendulum swings. Need to compromise