Spare a thought for Neil as he goes to bed tonight in one of his four luxury homes.
He faces a restless night worrying that a Benefit claimant in Walsall might be tucking into an extra Aldi Digesive biscuit.
He faces a restless night worrying that a Benefit claimant in Walsall might be tucking into an extra Aldi Digesive biscuit.
Or provides subsidised air travel for private jets by not taxing fuel
Or allows then VIP access to public funds when an epidemic hits
I have to admit I used to be right of centre but in the past 5 years I’ve gone full on left.
How do these people keep getting away with robbing the country and telling us we should be grateful 🙄
I hate to say it, but true. I would have loved to see him interview Elon Musk instead of the moron the Beeb got to do it. He would have skinned the bastard alive.