#philsky #psychology #philosophyofmind
I long wondered about SSRIs:
If that truly was the mechism, it'd not take weeks for them to start working. This has been evident for many, decades.
Most myths are based on something, and the important word here is 'causal'. It's not always causal, but sometimes.
In some people, SSRIs do work, very quickly, within a couple of days, for them, a small minority, there does seem to be a link with the serotonin theory.
Mostly, though, yes, if they work, it's a different mechanism.
But that doesn't mean they treat a chronic mental illness.
What's the difference between a person getting high on marijuana to feel better & another person being prescribed ketamine to feel better?
They're both drugs.
It's just that using a drug which alters brain states can provide temporary relief -
When no other solution is provided.
Thus, the drugs are useful. But it doesn't mean that the cause of the disorder was found.
Not necessarily as methods of healing.
Any coping mechanism that helps people survive is useful.
But that doesn't mean that it's a solution to the disorder.
Nor that it's marketed honestly.
Lithium orotate avoids the unpleasant side effects. I think these studies are fascinating: