That everyone is sponging off of them (sarcasm BTW), or that they're greedy, uncaring, & spiteful? The boomers voted for Trump, 3 TIMES, in the USA & they voted overwhelmingly in the UK for Brexit, after decades of voting for the Tories who demolished the social programs they took full advantage of.
During the last UK GE, PM Rishi Sunak proposed bringing back 2yrs of compulsory military service. Unless you were at least 85 years old, you would have been too young to have done it the first time. Those in their 60s+ LOVED the idea of their grandkids being forced to do what they didn't have to.
I’m a Boomer & while this blanket statement does not describe me, it absolutely describes a large portion of my graduating class 1979. No more reunions for me. They are horrible, spiteful, vicious people. I never knew. They outed themselves for Trump.
Class of 81 here. Facebook really let us know how shitty many of our classmates are. And it's always the ones who skipped class to get drunk and high in the parking lot who feel most entitled to give their opinions on civics, history, and science.
Obviously I'm exaggerating that it's ALL Boomers, but the numbers sadly don't lie. My own parents are like that and while they did work hard, any problems they've had were entirely of their own making. No immigrants took their jobs, but bring up immigration and they start foaming at the mouth.
Not even slightly. Every boomer I interact with have this attitude. "I worked my ass off, fought 2-3 wars and you lazy little shits whine about how hard work is, etc, etc."
One of the most infuriating images of the night Britain left the EU was a news report that showed a bunch of old people in a pub, watching the countdown to midnight, all arm in arm and singing "We'll meet again...". Not ONE of them could have been over 70, yet they were acting like they'd won WWII.