Sometimes I wonder about what is happening inside Trump's head. When he lies, he surely must know that he's lying, and that a lot of the people listening know that he's lying, certainly all of the players in politics and the media. Yet there is no pause and the obvious lies tumble out.
It’s almost like he wants to know stuff and be, and appear knowledgeable but he can’t be bothered to do the hard work of listening and learning so he just lies and makes shit up.
It’s why Putin has utterly played him as Putin in contrast is intelligent.
The problem here is that what is pretty much going on *inside* his head appears to be this right now.
Trump's capacity to believe whatever he's saying at the time is far higher than a normal person. He really doesn't believe he's lying as often as he is.
And when he does know he's lying, he believes - rightly - it's done him little harm in the past so why worry.
PL's often don't perceive what they are doing as *telling lies*, they are saying things people want to hear or to help themselves so it's *OK*.
That's why it's incumbent on others to point out his lies, & NOT to join in with the deceit.
This allows him to come across as "authentic" to his base.
tl;dr, he's a sociopath, and that's why he's now president.
He just says whatever he believes presents the strongest image of himself at any given time, it’s relentless self promotion with no filter
I think he makes shit up on the spot, and believes what he's saying at any given time.
See also: "Boris" Johnson.
The media need to stop treating him like some sort of regular human puzzle they can’t quite understand. He is not regular!