Literally my windows laptop, it goes to sleep and half the time you have to flip it upside down, and find a needle, to push the battery reset button because holding the power one might take you 10 minutes too long
Once, one of ours under CPM/80 was called theremonuclearglobalwar.
Because when you were typing theremonuclearglobalwar on an empty prompt of the command line and hit return, it was waiting few seconds, then offered an empty prompt again.
My Optiplex 3040 SFF had insomnia until I figured out that the whole USB bus was keeping it awake. Nixed that. But now the only thing that wakes it up is the power button. Oh well.
I like how Linux users will hear this and just nod like "yes this is normal and reasonable issue for us all to experience" whereas when you describe a problem you're having with windows people online will try to gaslight, saying you're not actually experiencing it.
I've used Windows, Linux, MacOS, and *BSD and on every single one of those fuckers the damn "sleep" and "hibernate" functions are fucking garbage that do nothing but shut my computer down and I have to do a hard reset to get it back, or sometimes it comes up and suddenly nothing works, it's garbage.
Either leave your damn computer on or shut it down, how fucking hard is this to understand, don't put it in some half-assed quasi-shutdown mode that a computer was never designed to be in.
My Mint is called Goldie as my missus reckoned it was gold for what I paid for it.
She is a good girl and doesn't sleep.
Because when you were typing theremonuclearglobalwar on an empty prompt of the command line and hit return, it was waiting few seconds, then offered an empty prompt again.