Gift link:
Trump Brazenly Defies Laws in Escalating Executive Power Grab
In the radical opening weeks of his second term, President Trump has appeared to feel little constraint by any need to show respect for the rule of law.
Trump Brazenly Defies Laws in Escalating Executive Power Grab
In the radical opening weeks of his second term, President Trump has appeared to feel little constraint by any need to show respect for the rule of law.
No going back.
But when asked about Musk and his team of misfits being unvetted and security risks, Trump quickly changes the topic to DEI or intellectually deficient air traffic controllers.
He knows they are a problem.
Judge Roy Bean who famously referred to himself as the "**Only Law West of the Pecos**."
But it should be TRIED, if only to make the point that his actions are NOT okay.
In other news Meteorologists confirm that rain is definitely wet and Rocket Scientists all now agree that the Sun is ''very very hot''
* their form of worship (including none)
* their manner/style/form/timing of expression
* to gather in groups
* to declare their demands for/of the gov't.
W/friends like him…
So if it's merely an understanding—not an unambiguously stated right—it might also be a misunderstanding, right Mr. Savage?
C. Savage
Had to read twice. This is nuts. ⚖️
You have got to be kidding me.
Not ‘audaciously ’ or ‘boldly’? You sure?
All this from American voters, who WANT a greedy, racist, misogynist America, run by a reality tv star.
That’s what they’re gonna get!
This is a rule of men (Trump-Musk).
This is an autocracy
Not a democracy.
Trump’s goal is the construction of a Putin inspired “democracy “ in the US.
That word slipped through.